I've written over a thousand articles on nearly every topic imaginable.

Keeping Company Networks Safe and Secure as Employees Work from Home:

Companies around the world are asking employees to work from home to help slow the spread of COVID-19. With so many workers handling sensitive corporate data on personal devices or over home routers that might not be secured, security breaches are a growing concern for many companies that find themselves otherwise unprepared. Below, we ask the experts to weigh in on how companies can stay safe while employees work remotely.

The "renter generation" is a myth: Young people lead US in buying homes

There is an oft-repeated fiction of debt-doomed millennials perpetually dwelling in parental basements, or bunking up with a dozen friends in a half-dozen rooms. These images emerge from a disheartening fact: Today’s 25-34 year olds have a homeownership rate 8% below what Baby Boomers and Gen Xers achieved at an equivalent age. Though student debt still dogs many Gen Yers, rebounding employment rates and suburban revival have finally provided young people a path toward homeownership. In fact, i

Seven things millennials can actually look forward to in their future

The prospect of a financially healthy future at age 80 feels elusive for many millennials. They have more debt and fewer assets than preceding generations did at the same age. They’re finding their footing in the increasingly multigenerational workplace, but their employment security is slipping away as unions dissolve and a gig economy emerges. By 2034, when the oldest millennials turn 54, Social Security is expected to be insolvent. It’s hard for millennials to be optimistic about their octog

AI monitoring will change the company-employee relationship

• AI programs can keep ever-closer tabs on staff performance and potential timewasting • Opting out isn’t always easy for staff to do, despite GDPR • AI monitoring based on screen time raises new questions about what productivity is • Employees might start to demand time back for working late or at weekends in return Knowledge workers have a new overlord: artificial intelligence. Until recently, such white-collar employees have been evaluated by the quality of their ideas rather than the quant

A Road Map For Tomorrow’s Infrastructure

A technical power outage shuts down Brussels’ airport for six hours. Heavy rain overwhelms storm sewers in Accra, Ghana, and a gas station, leading to an explosion that kills 150. Traffic jams choke Istanbul, Moscow, Mexico City and most Chinese metropolises. Roads, water, power, rails, sewage, phones: infrastructure is “the framework on which our economic development and society depends,” says Anthony Holmes, co-founder and director of the Institute of Infrastructure Studies in Doha, Qatar.

Game-changing graphene: the amazing properties of a single-atom layer of carbon

Step aside, silicon. There’s a new substance that promises to revolutionize medicine, industry, water treatment, electronics and much more. That substance is graphene—a single-atom-thick layer of carbon, a millionth of the width of a human hair. The world’s first two-dimensional material, graphene is potentially plentiful (carbon being the sixth most abundant element in the universe) and cheap. And it possesses amazing qualities and potential uses.